Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Blogging Around

In response to Margret's post "It Matters: Creative Problem Solving" where she applied the ideas from the creativity crisis to the recent Chicago Public School teacher strike. She had extremely interesting insight!

It is extremely interesting to see how you broke down different steps to creativity and problem solving and applied them to the strike. You went beyond the basics and provided some serious insight to a current and relevant problem! Now I would suggest taking a train downtown and yelling loudly about it. Just kidding. The strike is over and even if it wasn't I don't know who would listen. I would! Anyway, good problem solving!

in response to Nina's post "Captured Thought: Full Blast Living" where she looked deeper into the article "The Creative Personality" by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. She covered topics of gender, individualism, and contradictions.

 I agree, this article made me really think too, but in a way that wasn't thinking. Reading this affirmed me, the way I think and the way I am started to make more sense! The way you connected gender to this is extremely profound! I also am exited to practice "full blast living". I hope you are too!

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